Saturday, January 2, 2010

Days 20, 21, 22, 23/Wrapped V. 5: The Sound Guy and New Years

2 postings for a six day shoot. Underwhelming at best, I know. In my defense my internet access this past week was very limited and it was hard to find time to dedicate the appropriate amount of time to this blog. That being said I've missed the opportunity to note the many observations that I've had this week relating to the sound guy experience in Virginia and don't know that I can make up for that in one post. So allow me to summarize the key one:

Never drink heavily before a day as a sound mixer.

I can't tell you how important this lesson is for those interested in filmmaking. Having a hangover is bad enough, having a hangover while trying to get good levels on dialogue is an arduous task worthy of Olympic mention. When all you can think about is your throbbing headache and wanting nothing more than to lie down and sleep it's a little hard to focus on keeping the audio sweet. (I never explained this term: the "sweet spot" in location sound recording is the area a little bit before the sound begins to overmodulate or distort. If the sound mixer can manage to get all of the dialogue levels to land in this area the scene will sound crisp and will need little tweaking in post-production.)

Sound mixing is a pretty chill job. Sound mixing on New Years Day morning is something that I'll be a lot smarter about if I ever have to do it again. I guess I'll never forget January 1, 2010. It was my first time mixing while hungover. Scrapbook material.

On a similar sound note, I apologize to any of the staff and guests of the Dulles Airport Hilton who may have been disturbed by the obnoxious noisemakers that my crew mates and I blew in painful dissonance throughout the hotel hallways on New Years. I also must apologize for the drink that I spilled in the Ballroom that we had no business being in. Stupid kids.

Ryan the Sound Guy

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