Monday, April 5, 2010

Opening Day/Notes from a Vegetarian?!

Two posts in one. I must be crazy.

I woke up this morning. I woke up this morning with a strange feeling. I woke up this morning with a strange feeling that there was something dramatically different but strangely familiar about today. In the words of Stephane Miroux in the oft-referenced blog favorite The Science of Sleep, I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was nostalgia or the need to go to the bathroom.

Could it really be here already? I got up to check my calendar. I don't have a calendar. I got up and opened up my computer. Yes. Yes, it was. Yes it was April 5th. Opening day of my completely heterosexual summer obsession. That's right folks. Detroit Tigers baseball has finally arrived in 2010!

Words cannot properly describe my happiness but they're whispering from behind my mind's curtain to be given a college try. So, my lovely readers, I turn the floor over momentarily to my esteemed collaborators with whose help this blog and my prospective livelihood would be impossible. Let's hear it for words.

(Words enter, stage right)
Baseball good do fun thing bat with field and home run mitt slide three strikes excitement for bases stealing bleachers. me take out game ball for jack crackers and sodee popp. tigers play!

(Words exit, stage left)

Thank you, Words.

With all this baseball excitement it will be nearly impossible to complete all of my end of semester projects, but I shall do my best.

Switching gears slightly, as you all may know Easter was the past Sunday. While I was too busy closed off in my dark and hot room editing my brains out to celebrate the holiday with my annual one-man Easter egg hunt (yes, I both hide the eggs and seek them. It's very zen), I did not however fail to recognize that Lent was over and thus was to end my separation from meat and vegetarianism. Parting is such sweet sorrow. (Can somebody explain the oxymoron of this statement, how can parting be sweet and sorrowful?) But, the end of Lent met its match in my spotty OCD.

When I develop a pattern of behavior for myself it's often hard for me to break it. This is the explanation behind why I have seen so many movies, watch baseball everyday of the summer (heaven), and run so much. When I find something that I'm really into and am able to find a deeper meaning in my experience of, I tend to stick to it steadfastly. Such is the case with foray into vegetarianism.

Since seeing a film called "Our Daily Bread" (an artsy observational documentary about the food industry) a few years ago, I had been thinking about what it would be like to be a vegetarian. However, I found that I loved burgers too much to give it serious thought. Then, I saw a film called "Food Inc." last year and my mind was blown. I could never look at meat again the same way.

I saw Lent as as good a reason as any to challenge myself to become a vegetarian figuring that it was only 40 days, I have an awesome Vegan friend who can cheer lead me through it, and my parents wouldn't think that I'm a heathen when they heard that I'd be forgoing something so drastic in the name of Jesus. I have to say that 40 days can be utterly enlightening folks. (Actually, I think the Bible said that first in way, hence the point of Lent. But, if the s.o.b.'s from Westboro Baptist Church can co-opt it's message to distort it, I can co-opt it in an attempt to illuminate it.) Illuminate on.

I'm proud to say that I've made it two days through post-Lent vegetarianism and see no end in sight. What's that? Oh, I think Words wants to say something again. Let's hear it again for Words, guys.

(Words enters)


(Words exits)

Thank you words. You summed up this post very nicely.

Ryan the Sound Guy


  1. thank you words :)

    the one-man easter egg hunt. love it. very stephane miroux of you. maybe you just dream that you do that and don't really do it at all. or maybe the blog is a dream and the egg are real. or baseball is a dream and in reality if you ever explained that sport to people they'd think you preposterous. no?? ok.

    btw, totally saw that vegetarian thing coming.

  2. OMG, Steph, you just blew my mind. What if baseball, which in my mind is this beautifully perfect game, is just a figment of my dreams? Wow.


  3. /you couldn't have seen that coming.

  4. i most certainly did. from a mile away. it was like watching a matthew mcconaughey movie unfold. predictable.

    and just as your indefinite vegetarianism was predicable, so is your inevitable return to the line at shake shack.

