Cue Europe's "The Final Countdown"
Almost there folks. The light at the end of the tunnel is visible. In two weeks, with two more shoots to go, my sojourn as a sound guy will be over. Not one to put the cart before the horse, I fully realize that two weeks on film sets is a god awful long amount of time, but I shall take them day by day, and recount them here all the same (unlike the shoot I was on last week). 2...
AND. Returning her tremendous favor, yesterday I wrote a guest post for my friend and the world's foremost authority on Completism, Cathlin Olszewski's Pulitzer Prize worthy blog. CHECK IT OUT. Fitting that it should correspond with today's post denoting the countdown to the end of production period, as she is largely responsible for keeping me grounded and sane throughout this maddeningly tiring few months. For that I am insanely thankful and (though I tried) my guest post on her blog kind of doesn't come close to to fully expressing that!
Ryan the Sound Guy
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