I'll admit that when the great history of the "Notes From a Sound Guy" blog is written someday this post may go down as one of the lesser ones. (Or, since blogging is essentially recording one's history I'll just go ahead and proclaim it so now). But, what's on my mind is on my mind so I'm just going to go with it. In the words of Kerouac, "You can't stop the machine!" And, I gave you warning.
It's been another long day. It's 11:45 and I just got home so you can call it a 16 hour day if you'd like. (FYI: the last half hour was spent on the New York side of the Holland Tunnel waiting for Port Authority to file a report on the dude who tore off his rear view mirror on the side of our van while trying to merge into our lane). Aside from being tired and having to get back up and do it all again in 6 hours, my big dilemma is whether or not to eat dinner. You've been in this predicament before.
What do you do? You're so tired that you can literally lie down with all of the lights on in the room and music blaring and still fall asleep with ease. BUT, you're really hungry. The hunger doesn't initially, but may later impede on the comfort of your good night's rest and may wrest you from your slumber in a couple hours and annoy you as you return to the kitchen again and again in hopes of quelling it. AND, you can't really eat a lot now because you're too tired to devote energy to cooking or staying up to wait for delivery. What do you do?
I'm giving myself until 11:59 to make a decision. I'm hoping it will be the right one as I'm getting hungrier and hungrier with each keystroke. Being hungry and tired turns me into Mr. Hyde. Just ask the classmates who have 9:00 classes with me. My responses to everything are monosyllabic and I am apt to not even try to smile. I'm getting close to that.
Ryan the Sound Guy
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