Thursday, February 18, 2010

On the name of this blog.

this dude ruined everything

If you weren't able to glean it from the long hiatus, this blog has been undergoing an identity crisis of sorts. Since relinquishing my sound guy credentials about a month ago, I've thought long and hard about what this blog was to become. No longer a sound guy, I wondered if even the title of this blog was no longer true to what my blogger voice would become. How could I write a blog with such a blatant and obvious misnomer? How do my ridiculous musings about delicious business deals and John Mayer's idiocy have anything to do with the experience of a sound guy. Not to mention the fact that my recent signing off as simply "Ryan" seemed only to sorely remind me of the glory days of this blog past. It appeared that this blog was in an existential pickle of sorts.

Just as I began to consider new and more truthful titles for this blog ("Leaves of Grass" was the front-runner until I heard that it was already taken a 150 years ago or so by some dude named Walt), I decided to first breakdown all of the elements of the current title to find which were problematic and attempt to tackle it from there.

I saw that all of these incoherent postings still sort of qualified as notes so "Notes" wasn't the problem. They had to come from somewhere so "From" wasn't what was hanging me up. "A" was just a harmless article and I saw no reason to come down on it for that, even if it was of the indefinite variety. Wasn't its fault that "the" gets all the glory in the article world. I'm just glad that I could give it a chance. Last time I checked I was still a "guy" (is it weird that I put that in quotes?), so there was no question there. After my extensive investigation it became clear that the problem was with "sound."

I then moved to thinking of other definitions for sound that didn't involve audio. After days and days of scouring the stacks of NYU's Bobst library to research the word, I stumbled upon the answer I had been looking for. A definition of sound that I could maybe apply to me and this blog:

sound adjective competent, reliable, or holding acceptable views


While I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to call myself either of the first two, I would deign to lay claim to the last. The views expressed in this blog are acceptable right? (Unless you're a die hard John Mayer fan.)

I like to think that you, my readers, are in good hands. Therefore I shall again reclaim the "Sound guy" moniker.

Existential anguish extinguished. I can breathe again.

Ryan the "Sound" Guy


  1. you are good. you're real good. i feel better too.

    now, can we talk about the color of your blog? this blue is...i don't know...wimpy. i think it, like you for the past month, is also having an identity crisis. it's like it wants to be a big bold badass blue but chickened out and instead turned into a mr. roger's cardigan blue.

    go big or go home, blue.

    so what do you think of some new colors. you are not a sound guy any more. you're A SOUND GUY. a sound guy with acceptable views would have a more acceptable color scheme. i think so at least. (and have i ever really been wrong???? don't answer that.)

  2. Haha, good point. Go big or go home, blue. Allow me time to meditate on what this truly means...

    You were wrong about Star Trek by the way, but we won't get into that.
