Exhausted out of my mind and again, I CANNOT BREATHE. I think I may be allergic to New Jersey. Either that or the fates are conspiring against my half-marathon training. Either that or I'm now set to continuously relive the sleepless and asthma attack plagued nights of my childhood without my mom and dad here to nurse me back to ablelungedness. Either way this is a major downer, folks. I had such big plans for my respiratory system this holiday season. We were going to sing Christmas carols, run some crazy workouts in the freezing East River cold, and get toasty drunk on New Years together. Bummer with a capital B. Let's hope that the end of this shoot on Sunday will be the beginning of their rehab.
All complaining aside, I shall forge ahead and complete this post, as I've heard tell that that's what champions do. And, since typing is not talking you have the benefit of not having to listen to my painful, loud, and annoying cough (feel pity for my roommates though as they have to deal with that as well as my loud ass typing).
Thesis: I think that the problem with this blog thus far has been my inability to truly communicate the Sound guy experience. Sure I've complained and griped a lot (see above), but that almost never tells the complete story. So, I think that the task is upon me from here on out to dig deeper into my experience. To really ask myself the question, "What makes Ryan the Sound Guy Ryan the Sound Guy?" I must do M. Jean Paul Sartre proud by digging into the existential depths of sound recording. You never heard Sartre talking about the effects of drinking 5 hour energy on an empty stomach (though his best novel is titled "Nausea"). Camus never waxed philosophical on overindulging on french fries (though he did argue that one should embrace life passionately for all of it's absurdities, which I'm guessing is meant to include empty calories). Kierkegaard never likened his profession to game (though he did write under a few silly pseudonyms, my favorite being Johannes de silentio). No, the existentialists took shit seriously (pardon my french). And, I must do the same.
Problemata: Tomorrow, assuming that I am at least semi-conscious and not suffocating, these Notes, will contain a little more flavor. A little more deep sauce. Will be a little more hearty. Finger lickin' good writing is what I'm looking for here, folks. That's right, I want you to read this and be hungry for more (or just hungry because I seem to always be so at least we could relate on that). Can I dig deep and produce existential gold?
After all of this buildup I better be able to, but for now I pass out on my Macbook...
Ryan the Sound Guy
yeah! way to pick up the pace whiny mcwhiny! and as long as you don't get all kafka up in my grill, i'm pumped for the new posts. where you aren't being a baby. i thought this blog was gonna make me want to run out and be a sound guy lady! especially since i have an affinity for trying out new jobs. but you've managed to squeeze every bit of romance out of it. i want some romanceeeeee. like you said, at the end of the day, you are doing exactly what you dreamed about doing in the place you've dreamed about doing it. tell us about the sets, what it's like to be on the set and NOT be the director...not get to call all the shots but also not carry that responsibility...what do you even do exactly? what kinds of people are you meeting? what other crew roles seem interesting? i imagine your movie like a tightly cropped photo and you get to see all the stuff that's cropped out. what else is going on there?? how many people are there? what do you do after? what kind of reaction do you get from random people walking by seeing you guys work? how cool do you feel when they do? there is something magical about movies. why is that?
ReplyDeletewhy be a sound guy and not a house painter? what is it about being on a set, making a film and telling a story or watching someone else tell it that make these long days and nights worth it for your average sound guy? what do they get out of it?
(i would still read this even if all you did was keep complaining, I just feel a moral responsibility to bust your chops when the opportunity arises. which used to be like every day when you sat next to me! MISS YOU BUDDY!)
Haha, this is what the blog was missing to begin with! I knew you'd step up to challenge me eventually!